We got another composer in the studio today: Jonathan Wilson! Jon completed his PhD at the University of Iowa about a year ago. In this hour, we discussed two of his compositions in detail, as well as an excerpt of a novel he's working on.
Check out Jon's website and follow him on soundcloud: jonathanjawilson.com / soundcloud.com/jonathanjwilson
Performance videos from November's Java House concert are now available to the public on youtube: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGA6kZJDK6qSfuxuBqGhiGfZS-nggIgHs
All of our Patreon subscribers (at $1 or more per month) get early access to full, unedited concert videos. Here's the lastest one: patreon.com/posts/ihearic-at-java-22487665
Patreon subscribers also get a discount on the Vero Rose Smith-designed iHearIC t-shirts! We have plenty still available, so if you want to spend $10 on a shirt now instead of $15 at our next concert, subscribe and go to this post: patreon.com/posts/shirts-22322468
Our FINAL concert of 2018 will be at Trumpet Blossom on December 1st at 8pm. Performances by Vero Rose Smith, The Demon Possessed, Shakes, Will Yager, and Anika Kildegaard. RSVP on facebook and invite your friends: facebook.com/events/191149065094384
Father Christmas and others @ Gabe's (11/20 8pm): facebook.com/events/189139491986644
The Fourth Foonsgiving (11/21 3pm-10pm): facebook.com/events/557056524718466
Soul Sherpa @ Tailgators in CR (11/21 8pm): facebook.com/events/716341808732972
Awful Purdies @ West Music Coralville (11/23 11am-2pm): facebook.com/events/2238375686197150
UIowa SCI Student Chapter call for scores (11/26 deadline): facebook.com/events/298092730802414
Alexandro Cazares MA Jazz Recital @ Voxman (11/30 7:30pm): facebook.com/events/314160716088619
Next Sunday (11/25) is our FIFTIETH EPISODE! We're going to do a long show (probably 4pm-7pm) with lots of guests and we want listeners to call in. The studio number is (319) 335-8970. Call us to plug your music, ask us questions, or just shoot the breeze.
Direct mp3 link: https://archive.org/download/20181118Ihearic49/2018-11-18%20ihearic%2049.mp3
RSS: feeds.feedburner.com/ihearic
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